Hannah's Happenings - My Background
Hello there! Since I've had the chance to spend some time at home upon our arrival back from Japan, I thought I'd pick it up from the beginning and fill in from there. :)
My hometown is Jeromesville, Ohio, which is about halfway in between Cleveland and Columbus. Don't look on a map, you won't find it - unless Google Earth can track our one stop light, gas station and general store. I love it here though and I wouldn't trade my small town for the world. I attended Hillsdale Schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. My graduating class was about 91 people and my school was the kind where everyone knows everyone else and their business! Haha!
My family was not involved in agriculture until I started 4-H as a Cloverbud, just because all my friends were doing it. When I finally convinced my dad that he should let me take an animal to the fair, he brought home two market lambs; even though I had asked for rabbits. I loved showing lambs though and exhibited them at the county, state and national level.
Showing livestock continues to be a way that my family spends time together, which is worth far more than any ribbons or premiums. Oh, I almost forgot, my immediate family consists of my mom Kathy, my dad Chris and my brother Reid (16). I'm so blessed to have them as my constant supporters and encouragers.
Once I got into high school, my guidance counselor suggested I enroll in agricultural science and actually placed me in the class without my knowing it. Turns out, she wasn't taking "my schedule is too busy already" as an excuse. And thank goodness she didn't! I loved ag science and FFA from the start, mostly because I felt like it was the only thing I was good at. I played sports in high school and was involved on many clubs and committees, but nothing compared to what I found in the FFA. With two very persistent advisors, I tried anything and everything from camps to conferences and CDE's to community service projects. Some of my favorite activities were parliamentary procedure, agricultural sales, FFA summer camp and national convention.

I was lucky enough to be chosen as an Ohio FFA state officer and in 2005-2006 I served as District 2 President and then as State President in 2006-2007. While serving as state president, I delayed my first year of college so I could visit as many chapters as possible. My SAE's ranged from market lambs to market hogs, and from job placement on our small family to working at a poultry processing plant. I'm proud to say that I earned my American FFA Degree in 2007. :)
I was lucky enough to be chosen as an Ohio FFA state officer and in 2005-2006 I served as District 2 President and then as State President in 2006-2007. While serving as state president, I delayed my first year of college so I could visit as many chapters as possible. My SAE's ranged from market lambs to market hogs, and from job placement on our small family to working at a poultry processing plant. I'm proud to say that I earned my American FFA Degree in 2007. :)
I began college at The Ohio State University in the fall of 2007 and have absolutely loved it. I am majoring in agricultural education and I hope to teach high school agriculture and become an FFA advisor someday. I can't really find words to explain why I want to teach so badly, I just know that my teachers and those teachers I came into contact with, had such an impact on my life and presented me with so many opportunities, and I desire to give that to my students someday. Without the ag teachers in my life, there's no way I would've ever discovered my potential to do, well...anything! And I can't wait to give that same gift to every student that enters my classroom.
Throughout this year I will have countless opportunities to speak on behalf of agricultural education and the FFA, not to mention travel across the country to meet all of you! If I could pick a perfect job for me, this would definitely be it! I'm so excited to hit the road and begin traveling to chapters and state conventions. I'll keep you updated on my adventures here on the blog! :)
Here's what's next on the agenda:
February 13th - 22nd - Foundation Kick-Off and Training
February 23rd - 28th - NATIONAL FFA WEEK!!!! (I'll be spend this fabulous week in the great state of Mississippi! Get excited!)
Speaking of FFA Week, I'd love to know what your chapter has planned. You can e-mail me at hcrossen@ffa.org, send me a message on Facebook, or toss me a line on FFA Nation.
God Bless!
Hannah, we are looking forward to your visit to Mississippi. See you soon.
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