Bethany's Blessings- State Presidents Conference

State Presidents Conference
Representatives from 49 states and Puerto Rico came to our Nation's Capitol July 27th thru 30th. We spent the week advocating on Capitol Hill, kicking off the Delegate Process, and making friends across the nation.
Coolest Things we Got to Do

*Cheering at the D.C. Nationals vs. Atlanta Braves Baseball Game
*Ride a tram through Arlington National Cemetery
*Tour the monuments at night
*Meet some of our sponsors from ADM and Dow Agrisciences
*Metro Surf
*Listen to Sen. Sam Brownback speak....Yahoo Kansas!
Delegate Issues Selected
*Vet Med CDE
*Using American Supplies for FFA Supply Service
*American Degree Components-Research
*SAE Standards in National FFA Awards
*Increase Student Voice on National Level
*At-Large National Officer Selection
For a little 101 on the Delegate Process: it's the primary way the student voice is heard in the National FFA Organization. State associations submit issues for consideration. Committees are created that gather at national convention and the 475 delegates, allotted by state membership numbers, vote on recommendations and proposed amendments to the constitution & bylaws. This process starts at SPC with issue proposal/selection and concludes at National Convention. For more information about your role, contact state staff.

Best Parts of SPC
*Our families got to join our officer team for the week.
*We got to spend time with some of the greatest FFA members ever!
*Reminded that we're all apart of the One Element (theme for the week) of the FFA!
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