National Officers' Blog

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Adventures of Alex

Partnership Visits

Hello everyone! I’ve spent the past few weeks on the road in Louisville, Indianapolis, Chicago and Detroit meeting with friends of FFA.

Along the way, I’ve met some amazing people, gotten to know some phenomenal companies and ate some delicious food.

Check out some of the coolest tidbits I’ve learned along the way!

“Hunt big sales. Hunt whales.” -- Fastline Publications

“You can’t train a positive work ethic.” -- Paradise Tomato Kitchens

“We are in the performance enhancement business.” -- BI

“I can tell in one minute if the person I’m interviewing was in FFA.” -- Indiana State Department of Agriculture

“Good brains result in good food.” -- Kraft

“I’ll invest my money in people.” -- Kellogg

If I can learn this much from an agricultural company in one hour, just think about what you could learn in a summer internship?!


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