Randa's Journey- FFA week Wisconsin!
Hey Friends!
First of all I hope your FFA week was amazing! I was fortunate enough to spend my week in the Badger state of Wisconsin. Throughout the week I was able to travel with some awesome state officers, visit schools and chapters, meet representatives and try some sweet Wisconsin foods!
Our week started off in Madison where I met with State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Dr. Tony Evers, Wisconsin Secretary of Agriculture:Mr. Rod Nilsestuen and several state Representatives. The meetings were extremely informative as I learned just how diverse agriculture is in Wisconsin from their dairy farms to the vegetable production and even their cranberry production! It was exciting to see how different it was from Texas. I was also able to attend the Rural School Libraries and Communities Award Ceremony where I met some Wisconsin FFA members who are hard at work!

Throughout the week I traveled with the Wisoconsin FFA officers who are extremely talented and motivating. Watching BJ, Jessica, Caitlin, Tyler, Jeanie, Adam, Andy, Alicia, Kim, Kirsten and Leah present and interact with students was a true example of the talent that Wisconsin has. We worked with students from Sauk Prarie, Whitehall, Arcadia, and Spencer just to name a few! While there FFA members and ag teachers gave me my first German brat, Cheese curds, Sundrop, Culvers custard and Mr. Hicken (state staff) even allowed me to go sledding!!! What a phenomenal experience for a Southern girl! The week finished off with the Farm Bureau Farm Forum where students come to learn more about agriculture and their role.
Overall Wisconsin was a highlight of the year and I appreciate all the people who made the week such a success! Thank you to Mr. Frederick, National staff who traveled with us, Mr. Hicken and Mrs. Zimmerman who planned a great week and BJ for always getting us where we needed to be. Thank you to all Wisconsin Ag teachers and students for all that you do, keep it up and I can't wait to come visit Wisconsin again in the fall!

My first German Brat!

State Officers, BJ and Jessica presenting to chapters

FFA Members and state officers at a Conference in Whitehall!
Spencer FFA Chapter officers! Winners of the Positive Influence Song Contest!
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