Chelsea's Travels: Tennessee FFA Convention
82nd Tennessee State FFA Convention
It was so special attending the state convention as a past Tennessee state officer and a current national officer. These are the people who first inspired me to run for national office. These are also the people I competed against in CDEs, attended FFA camp with, and met while attending state convention during high school. I owe a lot to the members, supporters, and teachers in Tennessee. I hope everyone is blessed with the chance to be a part of something as special as I have in the Tennessee FFA Association.

The newly elected 2010-2011 Tennessee State FFA Officer team is excited about the coming year. The officers are (back row left to right) Marissa Sealy--Cookeville FFA, Heath McLean--Dyer Co. FFA, Westlee Walker--Cumberland Gap FFA, Todd Baker--Dyersburg FFA, Syrena Flowers--Liberty FFA, (middle left to right) Emily Buck--Wilson Central FFA, Cayce McDonald--Beech FFA, (front) Julie Ozburn--Page FFA.
I'm always amazed at the honors members earn during their year. The Tennessee FFA Foundation recognizes high achieving students each year with scholarships.
These are my kind of people...notice the cowboy hat! We had a blast.
Kenneth K. Mitchell is a Tennessee FFA legend. Mr. Mitchell was a Tennessee agriculture teacher and long time State FFA Advisor. He had tremendous success leading generations of members and continues to make an impact.
Catrina Estes is from Dobyns-Bennett High School and was a huge help in setting my workshop. She's a great example of how lending a little help can leave a lasting impact. Thanks Catrina!
This is the 2007-2008 Tennessee Officer Team. (Left to Right) Chelsea Doss--President, Kelsey Ross--Secretary, Wesley Lyons--Treasurer, Rebekah Clark--West TN Vice President, Lauren Rogers--Reporter, Cody Norton--Sentinel, Michelle Mullins--Treasurer
Kelsey and I created many memories together and with friends as members of FFA. Keep in touch with those people who left their mark on your FFA career.
The big stage at convention was watched eagerly by nearly 3,000 members and guests. The 82nd Tennessee State FFA Convention was a hit!
Dr. Dwight Armstrong, COO of the National FFA Organization, visited the convention, gave remarks, and judged the state Star Greenhand competition. Tennesseans were pleased to meet him.
Munford FFA freshman won first place in the State Opening/Closing Ceremonies CDE. They were a lot of fun to talk to and hang around. Congratulations! And congratulations to all CDE participants and winners!
Chelsea - thanks for the makes me a little nostalgic myself! Hopefully next year we'll both be at Tennessee's convention. Looks like you are having a blast! Wishing you safe travels and sending good karma your way! -Chaney
Awhh... your so sweet !
I was a joy to help you and to see you !
Take care !
<3 love
Dear Chelsea, My name is Jamie Lynn Smith. I am part of the Giles County FFA chapter of Tennessee. I am a freshman at the school and a junior officer for our chapter. This was My first year to be involved with FFA and attend a state convention. I am a city-slicker, as they call me in my chapter, and I joined FFA to broaden my horizons. As I become more involved with FFA, I learn that it is for anyone and that it a very good learning experience. At the convention, though, you really opened my eyes. I am grateful that I had the opportunity of listening to you. Thanks. I appreciate all that you have done. Enjoy life and God bless you.
Thanks everyone for the comments! Jamie - add me on facebook if you haven't already so I can follow your FFA career. I'm glad to hear I'm the only proud FFA member with a non-farm background :)
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