Riley - Virginia FFA Convention

On June 21st I traveled to Blacksburg Virginia and Virginia Tech to attend the Virginia FFA Convention. I had a great time hangning out with members, taking a look around the beautiful Virginia Tech Campus, and hanging out with friends.

After I landed I met up with Chris, Shasta, Courtney, Amy, Codi Jo, Meredith, Jessica, Erica and Willie, a crazy bunch of state officers who love to work hard and have fun! They were busy preparing for the convention and the week ahead.

Throughout the conveniton, CDE events will happen throughout the day, along with workshops, and a lot of hanging out, then each evening everyone gathers for a convention session. On the first day I had a blast hangning out with members preparing for CDE's. I quizzed a team on pet animal breeds for their small animal CDE, what a cool contest, hang a great time hanging out with the state officer candidates playing Go Fish, eating ice cream and I even scared them once!

The convention was off to such a great start and only more fun followed!
On the second day of the convention I presented a workshop to high school students. We had a blast talking about influence, playing charades, and solving a definition! That evening I gave my keynote and had a blast doing it. Thank you VA FFA for laughing at my corny jokes, and all of the funny situations I have found myself in throughout the years. i.e. - Scooting down a ski trail while sitting down!

The following morning I presented a workshop to middle school members about character and values. A slight bit of chaos broke out as we chased each other through the auditorium trying to pop ballons! We also had a great time drawing our self portraits, and having some good conversation!

The entire convention was a great experience. Ben, past state officer from Illinois, joined us at the conveniton. It was great to meet up with Ben again and catch up on times past.

I was also taken back a few years being on the Virginia Tech campus. Right outside of the session hall is the memorial for everyone who was killed in the Virginia Tech shootings that took place a couple of years ago. It was breathtaking to see the memorial, and hear the stories of the environment during the shootings, and the days following them. It is amazing how a single moment in history can change the future of so many lives.

I am very inspired by the story of Liviu Librescu. Mr. Licrescu was a professor at Virginia Tech, and during the shootings held the door to his classroom shut while his students escaped through the windows while the shooter was trying to enter the classroom. Librescu was shot by the shooter. All of his students except for one were able to escape. Many lives were saved by his heroic actions.

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