Chelsea's Excited About the 2010 National FFA Theme!

"Infinite Potential"...achieved through preparation
This week I'm with the team in College Station, TX facilitating a conference for Texas A&M University students. We split into pairs for the week, which serves as a means of practice and preparation for the National Leadership Conference for State Officers we facilitate several times around the country throughout the summer.
Preparing for this conference is a thorough process, however, preparation is something us FFA members know well. We prepare for tests, projects, Career Development Events, judging contests, and much more. Preparation is a skill my FFA advisor impressed upon me. He would quote from time to time, "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." This is such a true statement. We're taught to speak extemporaneously when we must, however, if we take the time to prepare, our chances at success increase each time.

Jonathon Mason, Vermont FFA, exemplifies what a dream combined with preparation can get you. He dreamed of being a state officer. His mother was a state officer in Vermont, along with several other family members. However, the state convention of Jonathon's senior year, no one from his chapter was even going to state FFA convention. How was he supposed to run for state office? He prepared. He did what he could to become as ready as he could possibly be. He went to convention after preparing for interviews, ran for office while attending the convention alone, and when the big moment came Jonathon Mason was named the 2009-2010 State FFA President. With encouragement from his family, the courage to tap into his own potential, and the confidence to pursue his dream -- Jonathon did it! Preparation and the foresight to believe in his Infinite Potential paid off in a major way for this FFA member.

Alyssa Fee, a member at the Liberty FFA Chapter in Tennessee, has also been a great example for me and other members of what preparation can earn. Alyssa works long hours on an agricultural operation for her mentor, maintains an excellent GPA, and is very active in FFA. In fact, she recently competed in prepared public speaking at state FFA convention. Her speech was about "Curly Calf Syndrome" (a disease found in Angus cattle). Alyssa loves Angus cattle, she loves FFA, and she loves being on the big stage at state convention. I shared conversations with her about the nervousness she felt and the hard work she had invested. She had studied daily to become an expert on her topic. It was no surprise when she took home second in the state and got a nice, new plaque to show for her hard work.
What can each of these stories teach us? When we find our passion, follow it, believe in victory, PREPARE and follow through with our goals, we can achieve anything! If we prepare, work hard every day toward our passions, and believe in victory, we can reach our INFINITE POTENTIAL.
Infinite Potential is the theme that will inspire members for the next year. Look for ways to tap into your own potential in 2010 and beyond!
"Infinite Potential" -- yes, that is you! Great examples from TX, VT and TN. I know the background on Alyssa and she really is an inspiration, hard-worker and has infinite potential to follow in your foot-steps. Terrific interview of you in June 2010 issue of New Horizons. Hope you have a wonderful summer.
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