Randa's Journey- Lousiana FFA Convention!
Hello Friends!
I just had the wonderful opportunity to spend a couple of days with the Louisiana FFA Association during their state convention held in Alexandria, LA! There are simply not enough words to fully express how wonderful of a time I had in Louisiana! It was pretty exciting to see these outstanding members in action. Whether we were recognizing star winners, hearing retiring addresses or watching some rockin talent Louisiana FFA definitely had it going on. My week started off with non other than convention prep while the state officers practiced and rehearsed for the upcoming week. Their hard work paid off as they started convention with tons of energy and excitement. To be out in the stands and feel the energy from the crowd I couldn't help but to be completely impressed with the state officers and their presentation. We heard from speakers such as Mark Mayfield and Michael Danna but of course those retiring addresses will always leave an impact. No matter where I was during any point of convention I always felt right at home. I saw some amazing card tricks from Michael, shared jokes with Saydie and even learned some sweet dance moves from Billy and Abi, oh yes this week will be one I will never forget!
On the last night of convention I was fortunate enough to participate in reflections with the Ponchatoula FFA chapter where we shared our journey throughout the FFA. I was truly reminded how much this organization and the people leave a mark on others. Every single individual in that room shared how a classmate had motivated them and for that they are eternally grateful. You don't have to be famous to change a life or win some award, we have simply but to care and be that example. Well I must admit that after meeting the Lousiana state officers and members I was again shown the power of impact. Thank you for leaving a huge influence on me because I am certainly a better person for getting to meet y'all!
A special thank you to Tess, Jake, Bethany, Sarah, Josh, Kadie, Jesse, Kyle, Cooper and Alyssa for leaving such a great impact on my life. Know that I'm here if you ever need anything! Also, Dr.Mayeux I appreciate you making my week incredible and for allowing me to experience the Cajun life!
Some talented members shared their skills during our workshop!

Randa I miss you, and it sounds like you had some pretty amazing dance teachers, hope to see you soon.
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