So this is it...the final blog post. It seems only right to starts at where our team began-with our team mission RHTEB. (Yes, in fact it is a word that we made up.) Made-Up word or not, it has taken on more than just a purpose for our team, but it has created a lifestyle for this year. Roots. Heart. Trust. Empower. Blessed.
Coming from the Labette County FFA chapter in a small town in Southeast Kansas.
Never before have I been so proud to call this home--because you all have taught me the value of a belief in where we come from. Whether California, Georigia, Maine, or Idaho--be proud.
The human heart know no boundaries. We were created to Love and to Love deeply. I would also like to thank my family, friends, and teammates for showing me that love stretches beyond distance, no matter how far-- always.
Serving with 5 of the most incredible people that I've ever met in my life has taught me the value of trusting people and trusting in a bigger plan than we can imagine.
As much as it was suppose to be our team who were to empower the people we met this year. You've inspired us. This year I've met people who have overcome more than I could ever even imagine, people who are making a difference that few can even dream of, and you have pushed me to believe in dreams bigger than I ever have before.
Future plans include returning back to Kansas State University where I'm studying Ag Communications & Journalism and Ag Economics. Graduating in May 2012, I plan to follow wherever God leads and forever be reminded of how blessed we are.
Thank you for blessing me with the greatest year of my life thus far!
I know that in my heart man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life. ~Ronald Reagen
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