Nessie's News
Hi everyone! I look forward to the opportunity to meet and get to you know you as my teammates and I travel this next year. I thought the beginning of this blog dealio might be a good place to share a few things about me perhaps so you’ll know who you are reading about. So here goes- I’m Nessie Early. I’m from a really (really) small town in the Central Coast of California. I have a younger sister Kala (14) who lives with our Dad in Fort Collins Colorado, and an older step-sister Cassie (26), an older sister Alisa (32) and an older brother Nate (29) who all live on their own, also in Fort Collins Colorado. I’m actually chillin (literally) in the Minneapolis Airport right now (due to snow delays :) on my way to visit all of my family in Colorado, which I do as often as possible.
For the majority of my “growing up” I lived on a ranch with my mom in Shandon until this past year when I moved to San Luis Obispo to attend Cal Poly SLO. I joined FFA my freshmen year in high school and from then on my SAE projects included: market and breeding hogs and sheep, market steers and replacement heifers, dairy goats, and work experience at an animal biotech company. I also showed horses. You can probably tell that I like animals, and pretty much had the whole “e-i-e-i-o” feel at my house… true story. I also competed in FFA events such as prepared public speaking and parli-pro. My favorite ag class would have to be… hmm actually this is tough, it’s between beginning Ag Mech with Mr. Roddick and Ag Science 1 with Mr. Bob. Ag mech because we got to drive a tractor and watch my friend Daisy nearly take out our farm’s fence, and ag science 1 because when Mr. Bob told the class we would put our hogs on “free feed” my friend thought that meant we didn’t have to pay for it hahaha (really it just meant the hogs would have food in front of them at all times). All in all I loved my agriculture classes and ag teachers! Math on the other hand ha ha jk jk.
After my senior year in high school I postponed (definitely for you paril-pro enthusiast) my college entrance to serve as California FFA State Vice President. Perhaps you’ll get the chance to meet one of this year’s Cali officers- Kristen, Graham, Marlene, Ryan, Brad or Levy … they’re good people J After state office I made my way back to academia and completed my freshmen year at Cal Poly majoring in animal science. While at Cal poly I lived and worked at the beef unit (I highly recommend getting involved in your college’s work opportunities, you learn even more and can make great connections with professors). My career goal is to become a professor of animal science. So there is a bit about me, now tell me about you! You can post below where you are from and something unique about your home town. I look forward to meeting you!