Hannah & Nessie's Travels
Hey Everyone! Nessie and I have had some interesting adventures as we've been traveling to and from NLCSO's this month. From tornados to cancelled flights to being stranded in L.A., it's been quite a journey so far!
Although there are many memories to choose from, one of the most prominent in our minds took place during our flight from Chicago to Grand Rapids, MI last weekend. Nessie and I had prime seating in the very back row of the plane and settled in for the 30 minute flight. When we were getting ready to get off the plane in Grand Rapids though, we noticed a group of servicemen outside of our side of the plane and one soldier that was holding a folded American flag. We learned from the flight attendants that we had traveled to Grand Rapids with a fallen soldier. We watched out the windows until we were the last people on the plane. While leaving, we asked the flight attendants how old the soldier was. They replied that he was only 21-years-old.
As we watched from inside the terminal, we saw his family and numerous soldiers gather on the tarmack to welcome him home and begin the funeral procession. It was a sharp reminder that there are brave individuals fighting for our freedom and risking their lives everyday to keep us safe. Let us never take for granted how blessed we are to be Americans and continue to thank those who have given their lives to protect us.

God Bless,
Hannah & Nessie
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