Hannah's Happenings - Utah State Convention
Hello! I just got back from the amazing Utah State FFA Convention (April 15-18) where their theme was “Ignite the Flame, Blaze the Trail”. Although I arrived when the snow was falling, there was plenty of excitement to heat things up in Logan, UT!
I spent my time in Utah learning about the crazy weather that changes in an instant, what chapters do for fun and most importantly, I learned all about FRY SAUCE. Yes, it’s true. Utah has their very own condiment for their French fries and it is a blend of ketchup and mayo that they swear by. The Sky View FFA Chapter was even nice enough to provide me with my very own bottle to take home and try! I haven’t cracked it open yet, but you better believe I will soon!

Some of the highlights of my trip included spending time with the 08-09 Utah State Officer Team: Amberlie, Blake, Brittney, Megan, Chase and Keven; who did an AMAZING job putting on the convention. Not to mention the fact that they are very cool people. ;)

I also had the chance to hang out with the visiting state officers: Cole, Tyler and Kaylee from the Arizona FFA Association, Nicole from the Nevada FFA Association and Shannon from the New Mexico FFA Association.

Another great part of the convention was going out to eat with various chapters throughout the week. I owe a big thanks to the Wayne, Emery, Sky View, Provo, Pine View and Desert Hills FFA Chapters for allowing me to dine with them. With the Wayne FFA Chapter, I even got caught in the middle of a snowball fight! Luckily, my duck-and-cover maneuvers proved to be quick successful and I made it out without get hit.

Last but certainly not least, a highlight of the week was watching the 2009-2010 Utah State Officer Team be elected at the last session! Congrats!

All in all, it was a GREAT trip and I’m excited for my trip back to Utah in July!
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In other news…during my trip to Utah, one of the chapters brought up some good questions during a Q&A session that got me thinking. Instead of the normal questions I get asked, like what I like most about FFA or where I’ve been traveling, the chapter members wanted to know what the most played songs were on my iPod and what kind of books I like to read. It was quite the conversation, so I thought that I would start a new section on my blog that answers those very questions. Feel free to let me know if you have any of the same picks or any recommendations!
My most played songs:
"Kiss a Girl" - Keith Urban
“Livin’ on a Prayer” – Bon Jovi
“Just Dance” – Lady GaGa
“Wake Up, Get Up” – Run Kid Run
“That’s Cool” – Blue County
Book I can’t get my nose out of:
I am currently preparing to start the 4th book of the Twilight series. Finally! Lol!
Hey!! You know in Puerto Rico we call it MAYOKETCHUP, I can't eat without it. So not only Utah has it, we use it in French fries, pork, salads,mofongo(fried and mashed plantain) . . . I would rather say that Mayoketchup is the national dressing. =)
I hope you enjoy it! This is BreeAnn (the crazy driver) with the Sky View FFA, I am glad Corey got it to you! :)
That's sweet that Puerto Rico knows about the national dressing, because it's true you can't eat without it!!!!! Have fun reading the fourth Twilight book it's awesome!!!!
no no no its most definatley fry sauce!! ha ha
Well then, I stand corrected! Glad to hear that fry sauce/mayoketchup is found in more than one place! Haha!
Those are all very good songs. I love them. The books are my favorite series to read! i hope that you enjoy them
I would definately suggest the books Good to Great and Built to Last by Jim Collins and additionally the book Three Cup of Team by Greg Mortenson (a Bozeman, Montana Native)
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