Hannah’s Happenings – Colorado State Convention
EMPOWER PASSION was the theme of the 81st Colorado FFA Convention in Greeley, Colorado, June 2nd – 4th.

As soon as I arrived at the convention, I was greeted by the state officers and knew that I would be in for a good time, and I was right! The first afternoon I spent time with some excited state officer candidates and nominating committee members before they began an intense interview process and following the first session, Emerson Drive drove the crowd crazy with their country hits. The next day, as we were all recovering from the awesome concert, we learned all about empowering our passions for service and dedication, and awarded some much deserving FFA members with their state degrees. To round out the night, hypnotist Al Snyder made some lucky folks think that they were Taylor Swift and the energizer bunny! I rounded out the convention on Thursday by doing workshops with some sweet students from all over CO and even got caught in one of Eli and Pud’s funny “magic tricks”.

Throughout each of the sessions, we were inspired by the state officer retiring addresses and pumped up by Colorado FFA’s very own theme song, recorded by a former FFA member and his band! It was so cool! I had a great time and really enjoyed getting to know everyone, especially the S.O.’s: Andy, Logan, Danica, Eric, Shelley, Jared, Guy, Elisa, Ashley and Jase. Great job guys! (And don’t worry Logan, I’ll pay you back for your shenanigans!) Although I had to depart from the state, I’m convinced part of my heart is still in the beautiful mountains. If you ever get the chance to see them, do it! It’s too wonderful to miss, and I’ll see what I can do to visit them again soon.

Top iTunes:
“Empower Passion” – Colorado FFA
“Let it Ride” – Bachman Turner Overdrive
“Learn to Fly” – Foo Fighters
“Honestly” – Cartel
“No Reins” – Rascal Flatts
Must Read:
“Momma’s Rules” – Mark Mayfield (keynote speaker at Colorado FFA Convention)
God Bless,
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