So, I wanted to take some time to share with you a few pics from my home in Dublin, GA!

On Sundays at home, I like to chill out with the little people at church. We have fun, sing, do arts and crafts, and try to avoid quarrels at all costs. Last Sunday Kaleigh painted flowers with her thumb print and some finger paint. Quite cute actually!!

Oh, my cat, Lucky. Lucky is lucky to be alive. I had him as a kitten a few years ago. He has survived many accidents, like being caught by a dog, bitten by a snake, falling off of numbers things, and having a broken jaw. Let's just say, he is good practice for me to deal with haphazard animals when I go into vet school!!!!

My dog Blue!!! Blue is an Australian Blue Heeler that I got on Sept. 11, 2001. I had never had a puppy before until I got her. She is crazy! Loves chasing birds, cows, and anything that moves. Her favorite thing to do is ride in the back of the pickup with her head hanging over the side barking at the wind, although I don't know why!
I will post more of home as I go back and forth this year. Not much happens in Dublin, GA. It's an interesting place to live. When I am not in Dublin, I am in Athens at school. The University of Georgia rocks my socks! Stay tuned for pics from there!!!
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