Hannah's Happenings - New Hampshire State Convention
I traveled up to the Granite State from May 7th – 9th to help the New Hampshire FFA Association celebrate “Blue Jackets, Great Adventures”! I started the convention off by riding with FFA mom extraordinaire Mrs. Cox all the way up to Bartlett, a 2.5 hour scenic tour of the state.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I was greeted by the state officers, advisors and members from all across the state, which was my first indication that I was going to be right at home! I kicked off my time in NH with attending the first session of the convention and helping out throughout the evening with presenting Granite State FFA members with their much deserved awards.

The following morning, I spent time with about 70 members where we talked about how to become a V.I.P. and we definitely walked away as very important people! We celebrated student success for the rest of the afternoon with the parliamentary procedure demonstration and rocking convention sessions, and then we followed up the day with the dance. If you want to learn how to dance, definitely check out NH FFA members because they know how to get down (rubber chicken and all!)I had so much fun with everyone busting moves and even got to witness the magic as the Region 9 boys danced around their advisor to “Sandstorm”. Yes, it was truly priceless.

The final morning of convention I had breakfast with Tianna and L.J. before making my way to the banquet and rounding out the convention. We awarded the CDE winners and finally announced the 2009-2010 Granite State Officer Team. Congrats Courtney B., Courtney C., Derek, Becca, Emmalee, Arielle and Alicia!

I owe a BIG thanks to all the New Hampshire chapters that made me feel so welcome and invited me in with open arms. And I need to thank Caitlin for road-tripping with me all the way back to the airport (and I got to see my very first moose!) I had a blast and look forward to my next visit to New England in September! :)

God Bless,
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