Hannah & Laila's Happenings - Campbell's Help Grow Your Soup
On April 21st and 22nd, I set off with Laila Hajji to Atlanta, Georgia, for some sponsor visits. Our first stop of the trip was to a Campbell’s Help Grow Your Soup Garden being planted by the Creekside FFA Chapter. This new campaign by Campbell’s is helping cities grow the same vegetables they use in their soup with the help of local FFA Chapters and Urban Farming (www.urbanfarming.org).

In addition to the gardens being planted in cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit and New York City, Campbell’s is generously providing each FFA chapter across the nation with a packet of tomato seeds to plant in their community. The hope is that all 22.5 million tomato seeds will be grown this year, and thanks to Campbell’s Soup, we are well on our way! Laila and I were excited to be a part of the “growing” relationship between Campbell’s and the FFA, and be on the look-out for your chapter’s seed or a Grow Your Soup Garden near you!

God Bless,
Hannah & Laila
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