Riley Iowa State Convention
During April 15th through 18th I found myself in Des Moines, Iowa for the State FFA Convention. I had a blast hanging out with FFA members, presenting workshops, and taking in all of the convention activities.
Right after arriving I was picked up by members of the Vinton-Shellsburg FFA chapter and treated to dinner. It was fun sitting there and talking to Lexy, Amy, Riley, and Emily!
As the convention got started my first activity was a workshop! I was a little surprised when I walked to the room, and it was filling up with water! A leak had sprung above it, and it was leaking out of the lights and running into the hallway. After getting relocated I got everything set up and had an amazing time during the workshop.
The first general session got started with a bang, Literally! At Iowa they don't just settle for good sound, and big screens, no they go crazy and have Pyro and Fireworks! During one of the sessions I found myself standing a little too close to the stage and almost got my eyebrows singed off!

The rest of the week was filled with hanging out with the state officers, attending sessions (away from the pyro!), and just taking it all in.
Friday night, my last night in Iowa, the outgoing state officers treated me to some ice cream! It was a perfect ending to an amazing week!
Thanks Iowa for showing this Texas boy a good time!
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