Hannah's Happenings - Blast from the Past!
While I was home last week I spent some time at the house of my best friend Stewart’s grandparents, Jay and Linda Pfeiffer. After several cups of coffee and catching up on life, Linda noticed my FFA jacket lying on my luggage and mentioned that Jay’s old jacket was probably upstairs in the closet. Stewart dug around and found a faded blue corduroy jacket that is grandfather wore in his FFA days all those years ago.

Of course, I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures. Note the differences not only in color, but Jay’s jacket even has the old emblem with “vocational agriculture” around the top and the stitching on the name. Jay served as Treasurer of the Kenton FFA Chapter (Ohio) in 1954-1955.

Although there are many changes that our jacket has gone through over the years, it is so amazing to know that our organization still stands on the same values and mission for the past 81 years. With this much history, it’s no wonder we take such pride in the FFA and the amount that we’ve accomplished. Such a tradition of excellence! Not only that, but we continue to challenge ourselves by taking new risks and advancing the way we look at leadership and agriculture.

I won’t rant and rave much longer, but I would encourage you to try to experience some of our history. Whether you find an old jacket in a closet, sit and talk with a former member or actually listen to the crazy stories your ag teacher tells you about “the good ‘ol days”, embrace what was and what is the FFA.
God Bless,
Thanks for the Kenton FFA shoutout, Hannah! Good luck with all your travels! You are representing Ohio well.
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