Hannah’s Happenings – Texas A&M, Pigs and COLT
Following the New Hampshire State Convention, I met up with my teammates in College Station, Texas, on May 12th for two weeks of NLCSO (National Leadership Conference for State Officers) Training. We spent the first week preparing our curriculum and the facilities at Texas A&M University, and learning about all those crazy Aggie traditions. From whooping to ring-dunking and from the Core to the 12th Man; it was really interesting and definitely helped us understand the students we would be working with the following week. Our task during this training was to do a complete 4-day NLCSO with a class of A&M students during their May-mester course in Ag Leadership. Nessie and I were pretty excited to meet our group and get to know them throughout the conference. They educated us on all things Aggie, and we taught them all about FFA, workshop writing and team performance. It was a great week and Nessie and I are pumped to get out and conduct NLCSO’s in Nebraska, Michigan, Utah and Oregon this summer!

Following Texas, I made my way back up to good ‘ol Ohio for some home time with my family. The highlight of which was picking up my brother’s fair pigs for this year. Though he fondly refers to the 30 pound Hampshire and blue butt pigs as “Dip ‘n Dots”, I prefer to call them Dolly Parton and Patsy Cline. Regardless, I was pretty excited to spend time babying Dolly and Patsy with marshmallows and scratching them behind their little ears. Unfortunately, by the next time I get to go home and see them, they won’t be so little anymore!

From home, I hit the road for COLT (Chapter Officer Leadership Training) at The Leadership Center in Aurora, Nebraska, on May 28th – 30th. Just like my last visit to the Husker state, I had a blast hanging out with the state officers and FFA members from all across the state. It was nice to sit back and watch as the new chapter officers learned about what it was going to take to run their chapters this year and listen as they came up with some creative community service and fundraising ideas. But our time there was not all work, we held a flashlight relay, went paddle-boating, danced and even watched some Cavs basketball (go Lebron!). I had such a good time and I know all the new officers will do a fantastic job leading their chapters over the next year.

God Bless,
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