Hannah & Nessie - Michigan NLCSO
On June 20th we landed in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for our second NLCSO. After getting set up and settled in, we were excited to be joined by the state officer teams from Michigan, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee. From the get-go we knew that this would be a fun bunch! We spent the week getting to know each other and learning about how we will perform this year as a team.

We were also blessed with a celebrity visit by the man, the myth, the legend (and aka, the Big Owl) – Dr. Larry Case! Everyone was glad to have the chance to meet and talk with him. Of course, he was chalk full of inspirational and motivational messages and it was truly a treat to have him join us.

During our second evening, we were invited to the home of Mr. Comer Skinner, a past Michigan state officer and a long-time FFA supporter, for a cook-out and wagon rides. It was so cool to see all of Mr. Skinner’s FFA memorabilia from over the years and spend some time with members from the Hopkins FFA Chapter. We owe them a huge THANK YOU for the delicious meal, sincere hospitality and relaxing evening.

Joining us throughout the week to provide some expert advice were several state staff members, including Mr. Chaliff (KY), Mr. Cole (TN), Doug Gilles (TN), Mr. Fletcher (AR), Mr. Draper (AR), Mr. Wyrick (MI) and Mrs. Zimmerman (WI). Thanks for all your help during the conference and with your guidance, we know that your teams will have much success this year!
Our final night in Grand Rapids was spent at Lake Michigan where we were fed an amazing meal by the members and alumni of the Ravenna FFA Chapter. Between eating, swimming, pyramid building, sing-a-longs, smores and the sunset – it was an awesome ending to an awesome NLCSO.

After rounding out our last few sessions in the morning, we left with some slight southern accents and plenty of great memories to go around. Thanks for such a great week and we especially LOVED the videos you all made us! We love you too! :)
P.S. – Hey Turtles, we’ll buy you a coke ;)
God Bless,
Nessie & Hannah