Riley Alaska State Convention

A couple days ago I met a woman on one of my flights that sparked a conversation about the FFA lettering that she saw on my jacket. As I started to explain that we are an organization formorly known as the Future Farmers of America that started in 1928 and how we have diversified and grown to over 507,763 of tomorrows' greatest leaders. I taled about the fact that there are over 22 million employees in the agricultural industry in over 300 career areas and all the opportunity that our students have. As I went on and on about agriculture she looked at me and said, "Well isnt it better for everyone if we just import our food from other countries and use all organic for that matter?!" This is when I knew the conversation was about to get interesting. I visited with her for much of the duration of the flight, and I came away with a action that we all need to take.
Hello! I just got back from the amazing Utah State FFA Convention (April 15-18) where their theme was “Ignite the Flame, Blaze the Trail”. Although I arrived when the snow was falling, there was plenty of excitement to heat things up in Logan, UT!
On March 28th I found myself in Gatlinburg, TN for the Tennessee state convention. WOW is all I have to say. It was a blast from the moment I arrived.
It was extremely exciting for me to run into the David Crockett FFA Chapter. David "Davy" Crockett is a Tennessee native, and was one of the original settlers of Texas. He fought during the Texas Revolution and died at the battle of the Alamo. He is a legend in Texas, and has a statue in the Texas Capitol, and he is in every history book in the state. As a kid, you were always the coolest if you would dress up as Davy Crockett for Halloween, and we all had one of those trademark Raccoon Hats!
Hello there! :) This past week I had the chance to go to the Nebraska State Convention in Lincoln, NE. The gentleman I sat next to on my flight in was on his way home from Iraq and made sure that I was aware that Nebraska had more cows than people. I didn't think it sounded like a bad thing at all! In fact, it made me rather excited to get to know some of Nebraska FFA's 6,500 members.